Grand Magus - Grand Magus
Grand Magus - Wolf's Return
Carpathian Forest - Strange Old Brew
Omega Massif - Geisterstadt
Scar Symmetry - Symmetric in Design
Zatokrev - Bury the Ashes
Six Feet Under - Haunted
Jack White - Blunderbuss
Silversun Pickups - Neck of the Woods
Hoobastank - The Reason
Fall of Efrafa - Tharn
Dope Stars Inc. - Ultrawired
Overkill - The Killing Kind
Dinosaur Jr. - I Bet on Sky
Burst - Prey on Life
Grave Digger - Witch Hunter
Black Country Communion - Afterglow
Exodus - The Atrocity Exhibition: Exhibit A
Shania Twain - Come on Over
Control Human Delete - Terminal World Perspective
The Byrds - Mr. Tambourine Man
Shade Empire - Omega Arcane
The Body - All the Waters of the Earth Turn to Blood
Gorguts - Colored Sands
Manic Street Preachers - Rewind the Film
Root - Madness of the Graves
Danny Elfman - Mars Attacks!
Cloud Nothings - Here and Nowhere Else
John Williams - Seven Years in Tibet
Emma Ruth Rundle - Some Heavy Ocean
Horn of the Rhino - Summoning Deliverance
Pelican - The Cliff
127843 alb
27552 kapel
13703 komentářů
4305 recenzí
11945 uživatelů
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80 %
Roxette - Crash! Boom! Bang! (reedice 2024)
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Saint Etienne - The Night
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90 %
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