Alice in Chains - Black Gives Way to Blue
Dinosaur Jr. - Beyond
AC/DC - If You Want Blood You've Got It
Paper Chase - Young Bodies Heal Quickly, You Know
Mudhoney - Mudhoney
Magnetik - Laudanum
The Smiths - Strangeways, Here We Come
Wollongong - If Elimination Must Be Condoned to Restrain Thine Ignorance We Shall Concur
Wolves in the Throne Room - Diadem of 12 Stars
Cathedral - Caravan Beyond Redemption
Bonobo - Animal Magic
Lightning Bolt - Ride the Skies
Pantera - Reinventing the Steel
Vladimír Merta - P.S.
Jablkoň - Hovada boží
Jablkoň - Baba Aga
Orphaned Land - Sahara
Buzzcocks - Love Bites
Blood Red Shoes - In Time to Voices
Vypsaná fixa - Bestiálně šťastní
Hudba Praha - Maelström
Textures - Dualism
Parkway Drive - Killing with a Smile
Janelle Monáe - The ArchAndroid
Legion of the Damned - Malevolent Rapture
Ides of Gemini - Constantinople
Eluveitie - Everything Remains as It Never Was
Antimatter - Fear of a Unique Identity
The Ocean - The Grand Inquisitor
65daysofstatic - Wild Light
Burzum - Burzum
John Williams - E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
127843 alb
27552 kapel
13703 komentářů
4305 recenzí
11945 uživatelů
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80 %
Roxette - Crash! Boom! Bang! (reedice 2024)
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90 %
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