

Lucius is a five piece indie pop band from Brooklyn, New York formed in 2011. The band consists of Jess Wolfe (lead vocals and synth), Holly Laessig (lead vocals and keys), Dan Molad (drums and vocals), Peter Lalish (guitar and vocals) and Andrew Burri (guitar, drums, vocals) "Luscious, luminous, lilting lullabies" is how the New York Times describes songs by Lucius, a five-piece band from Brooklyn, NY. At the center of Lucius are the "alluring and magnetic" (Seventeen) singers-in-unison, Jess Wolfe and Holly Laessig. After graduating from Boston’s Berklee School of Music, the two young friends and collaborators moved into an old Victorian house in Brooklyn’s Ditmas Park – a former recording studio and music school. The four-story musical fortress, rife with left-behind musical treasures, housed many musician friends including, eventually, Wolfe and Laessig’s future bandmates, Danny Molad, Peter Lalish and Andrew Burri. “When we were ready to make our record we felt it was imperative it reflected the synergy that Holly and I feel so strongly in our personal and musical relationship,” said Wolfe. The resulting songs are stories told from the same perspective, sung at the same time, with the same sentiment; two voices as one. The quintet’s self-titled debut EP was recorded and produced in the Ditmas Park house where the band was formed. Their full length album is due for release Autumn 2013.

Indie rock,Indie pop,Art pop

Žánr: Indie rock Indie pop Art pop





Andrew Burri,Dan Molad,Holly Laessig,Jess Wolfe,Lucius,Peter Lalish,USA

Tagy: Andrew Burri Dan Molad Holly Laessig Jess Wolfe Lucius Peter Lalish USA


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