Toshio Masuda - Naruto: The Animal Riot of Crescent Moon Island Original Soundtrack

Naruto: The Animal Riot of Crescent Moon Island Original Soundtrack


  • 01. Beginning of the Adventure… (1:59)
  • 02. Wealth of Obesity (1:25)
  • 03. To Crescent Moon Island (1:18)
  • 04. Banquet Aboard Ship (1:10)
  • 05. A Storm is Coming (1:35)
  • 06. Hikaru and Chamu ~Exchange~ (0:34)
  • 07. Naruto and Hikaru ~Two Who Acknowledge Each Other~ (1:20)
  • 08. Forever Friends (1:12)
  • 09. Attack in the First Quarter (1:49)
  • 10. Composition of the Betrayal (1:23)
  • 11. Last Words (1:15)
  • 12. Naruto and Hikaru ~Hokage and King~ (2:11)
  • 13. Tough Fight in the Third Quarter ~Mutual Glare~ (1:18)
  • 14. Tough Fight in the Third Quarter ~Win in One Shot!?~ (2:47)
  • 15. Tough Fight in the Third Quarter ~Poisonous Fog~ (0:57)
  • 16. Tough Fight in the Third Quarter ~Damned Nine-Tailed Demon Fox Power~ (1:25)
  • 17. Minister of Evil - Shabadaba (1:38)
  • 18. Naruto and Hikaru ~Those we Care About~ (1:22)
  • 19. Gallows (1:44)
  • 20. Rematch under the New Moon ~Eyes within Eyes~ (0:47)
  • 21. Rematch under the New Moon ~Everyone's Battles~ (1:30)
  • 22. Rematch under the New Moon ~Critical Fight~ (2:47)
  • 23. Rematch under the New Moon ~Tough Fight~ (1:37)
  • 24. Promise ~Warrior of Konoha~ (1:39)
  • 25. Promise ~Hero of the Moon Country~ (2:13)
  • 26. Short Rest (0:46)
  • 27. Fate of the Deceased (3:22)
  • 28. Full Moon Victory! (0:47)
  • 29. At the End of the Adventure… (1:46)

Průměr hodnocení

60.00 %
6 1 10 2
Vaše hodnocení: žádné

Poslední hodnocení

60 %
60 %

Vydavatelství: Aniplex  

Typ alba: soundtrack

Rok vydání: 2006


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