

Heavy metal

Žánr: Heavy metal




4Arm,A Cosmic Trail,affector,Alekhine's Gun,Alexander Palma,Angel Cotte,Belphegor,Beltfed Weapon,Burnt City,Busted Guts,Charisma,Coldsteel,Dean Sternberg,Death on Fire,Dehumanized,Demolition Hammer,Disinfected,Driven Mad,Dysembrioma,Elegacy,Embrace the Dawn,Eternity's End,Exit to Eternity,Eyes like Cyanide,Eyes of the Sun,Eynomia,Feared,Fetal Syndrome,Germany,Grot,Heathen's Rage,Holy Force,Immortal Flesh,Internal Bleeding,Ivanhoe,Ivorie,Justin Zych,Kevin Talley,Lanfear,Luna Field,Majesty,Markus Johansson,Markus Ullrich,Martyred,Mike LePond,Munroe's Thunder,My Darkest Hate,Pure Sweet Hell,Repentance,Richie Sebel,Septagon,Success Will Write Apocalypse Across the Sky,Sylencer,Symphony X,The Art of Hate,Them,Troy Norr,Under the Wake,USA,Valhalla,Viking,Vindicator,Where Evil Follows,Zephaniah

Tagy: 4Arm A Cosmic Trail affector Alekhine's Gun Alexander Palma Angel Cotte Belphegor Beltfed Weapon Burnt City Busted Guts Charisma Coldsteel Dean Sternberg Death on Fire Dehumanized Demolition Hammer Disinfected Driven Mad Dysembrioma Elegacy Embrace the Dawn Eternity's End Exit to Eternity Eyes like Cyanide Eyes of the Sun Eynomia Feared Fetal Syndrome Germany Grot Heathen's Rage Holy Force Immortal Flesh Internal Bleeding Ivanhoe Ivorie Justin Zych Kevin Talley Lanfear Luna Field Majesty Markus Johansson Markus Ullrich Martyred Mike LePond Munroe's Thunder My Darkest Hate Pure Sweet Hell Repentance Richie Sebel Septagon Success Will Write Apocalypse Across the Sky Sylencer Symphony X The Art of Hate Them Troy Norr Under the Wake USA Valhalla Viking Vindicator Where Evil Follows Zephaniah


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