John Williams - Star Wars: The Ultimate Digital Collection

Star Wars: The Ultimate Digital Collection


  • 01. Star Wars Main Title / The Arrival at Naboo (02:56)
  • 02. Duel of the Fates (04:15)
  • 03. Anakin’s Theme (03:09)
  • 04. Jar Jar’s Introduction / The Swim to Otoh Gunga (05:08)
  • 05. The Sith Spacecraft / The Droid Battle (02:38)
  • 06. The Trip to the Naboo Temple / The Audience With Boss Nass (04:08)
  • 07. The Arrival at Tatooine / The Flag Parade (04:05)
  • 08. He Is the Chosen One (03:54)
  • 09. Anakin Defeats Sebulba (04:24)
  • 10. Passage Through the Planet Core (04:40)
  • 11. Watto’s Deal / Kids at Play (04:58)
  • 12. Panaka and the Queen’s Protectors (03:25)
  • 13. Queen Amidala / The Naboo Palace (04:52)
  • 14. The Droid Invasion / The Appearance of Darth Maul (05:15)
  • 15. Qui-Gon’s Noble End (03:49)
  • 16. The High Council Meeting / Qui-Gon’s Funeral (03:09)
  • 17. Augie’s Great Municipal Band / End Credits (09:39)
  • 18. Star Wars Main Title and Ambush on Coruscant (03:47)
  • 19. Across the Stars (Love Theme from Attack of the Clones) (05:34)
  • 20. Zam the Assassin and The Chase Through Coruscant (11:08)
  • 21. Yoda and the Younglings (03:56)
  • 22. Departing Coruscant (01:45)
  • 23. Anakin and Padme (03:57)
  • 24. Jango’s Escape (03:49)
  • 25. The Meadow Picnic (04:15)
  • 26. Bounty Hunter’s Pursuit (03:24)
  • 27. Return to Tatooine (06:57)
  • 28. The Tusken Camp and The Homestead (05:55)
  • 29. Love Pledge and The Arena (08:30)
  • 30. Confrontation With Count Dooku and Finale (10:45)
  • 31. Star Wars and the Revenge of t (07:32)
  • 32. Anakin’s Dream (04:47)
  • 33. Battle of the Heroes (03:43)
  • 34. Anakin’s Betrayal (04:04)
  • 35. General Grievous (04:08)
  • 36. Palpatine’s Teachings (05:26)
  • 37. Grievous and the Droids (03:28)
  • 38. Padme’s Ruminations (03:17)
  • 39. Anakin vs. Obi-Wan (03:58)
  • 40. Anakin’s Dark Deeds (04:06)
  • 41. Enter Lord Vader (04:15)
  • 42. The Immolation Scene (02:42)
  • 43. Grievous Speaks to Lord Sidiou (02:50)
  • 44. The Birth of the Twins and Pad (03:38)
  • 45. A New Hope and End Credits (13:06)
  • 46. Main Title (05:25)
  • 47. Imperial Attack (06:20)
  • 48. Princess Leia’s Theme (04:26)
  • 49. The Desert and the Robot Auction (02:56)
  • 50. Ben’s Death and TIE Fighter Attack (03:50)
  • 51. The Little People Work (04:06)
  • 52. Rescue of the Princess (04:50)
  • 53. Inner City (04:17)
  • 54. Cantina Band (02:46)
  • 55. The Land of the Sandpeople (02:53)
  • 56. Mouse Robot and Blasting Off (04:05)
  • 57. The Return Home (02:49)
  • 58. The Walls Converge (04:36)
  • 59. The Princess Appears (04:07)
  • 60. The Last Battle (12:10)
  • 61. The Throne Room and End Title (05:28)
  • 62. Star Wars (Main Theme) (05:46)
  • 63. Yoda’s Theme (03:27)
  • 64. The Training Of A Jedi Knight (03:08)
  • 65. The Heroics Of Luke And Han (05:50)
  • 66. The Imperial March (Darth Vader’s Theme) (03:00)
  • 67. Departure Of Boba Fett (03:08)
  • 68. Han Solo And The Princess (03:28)
  • 69. Hyperspace (04:02)
  • 70. The Battle In The Snow (03:46)
  • 71. The Asteroid Field (04:07)
  • 72. The City In The Clouds (06:25)
  • 73. Rebels At Bay (05:21)
  • 74. Yoda And The Force (04:00)
  • 75. The Duel (04:01)
  • 76. The Magic Tree (03:34)
  • 77. Lando’s Palace (03:54)
  • 78. Finale (06:26)
  • 79. Main Title (The Main Story Continues) (05:14)
  • 80. Into the Trap (02:41)
  • 81. Luke and Leia (04:49)
  • 82. Parade of the Ewoks (03:30)
  • 83. Han Solo Returns (At the Court of Jabba the Hutt) (04:13)
  • 84. Lapti Nek (By Jabba’s Palace Band) (02:54)
  • 85. The Forest Battle (04:07)
  • 86. Rebel Briefing (02:27)
  • 87. The Emperor (02:46)
  • 88. The Return of the Jedi (05:06)
  • 89. Ewok Celebration and Finale (07:58)

Průměr hodnocení

65.00 %
7 1 10 2
Vaše hodnocení: žádné

Poslední hodnocení

70 %
60 %

Vydavatelství: Sony Classical  

Typ alba: kompilace

Rok vydání: 2016


Nenalezeny žádné komentáře


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