John Williams - Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi


  • 01. Main Title And Escape (07:26)
  • 02. Ahch-To Island (04:23)
  • 03. Revisiting Snoke (03:29)
  • 04. The Supremacy (04:01)
  • 05. Fun With Finn And Rose (02:34)
  • 06. Old Friends (04:29)
  • 07. The Rebellion Is Reborn (04:00)
  • 08. Lesson One (02:10)
  • 09. Canto Bight (02:38)
  • 10. Who Are You? (03:04)
  • 11. The Fathiers (02:42)
  • 12. The Cave (03:00)
  • 13. The Sacred Jedi Texts (03:33)
  • 14. A New Alliance (03:13)
  • 15. "Chrome Dome" (02:03)
  • 16. The Battle Of Crait (06:48)
  • 17. The Spark (03:36)
  • 18. The Last Jedi (03:04)
  • 19. Peace And Purpose (03:08)
  • 20. Finale (08:28)
  • FYC Verze:
  • 01. Escape (7:42)
  • 02. Ahch-To Island (2:32)
  • 03. The Supremacy (2:00)
  • 04. Admiral Holdo (1:03)
  • 05. Fun With Finn And Rose (3:04)
  • 06. Connection (1:59)
  • 07. Lesson One (2:00)
  • 08. Canto Bight (2:16)
  • 09. The Master Codebreaker (1:08)
  • 10. The Fathiers (2:21)
  • 11. The Cave (2:02)
  • 12. Rey’s Journey (1:35)
  • 13. A New Alliance (5:29)
  • 14. Holdo’s Resolve (2:18)
  • 15. Chrome Dome (2:03)
  • 16. The Battle Of Crait (7:01)
  • 17. The Spark (4:21)
  • 18. The Last Jedi (5:03)
  • 19. Old Friends (1:24)
  • 20. Finale (9:03)
  • Complete:
  • 01. Main Title and Escape (12:30)
  • 02. Luke Meets Rey (Ahch-To Island) (2:20)
  • 03. Revisiting Snoke / Ahch-To Island (6:13)
  • 04. Who Are You? (0:50)
  • 05. The Supremacy (7:37)
  • 06. Luke and R2 (Old Friends) (2:13)
  • 07. Admiral Holdo (1:05)
  • 08. Fun With Finn And Rose (5:25)
  • 09. Luke and Rey to Cliffside (Old Friends) (3:29)
  • 10. Lesson One (3:32)
  • 11. Canto Bight / The Master Codebreaker (4:12)
  • 12. Finn and Rose Escape (14:52)
  • 13. The Cave (7:09)
  • 14. The Sacred Jedi Texts (3:39)
  • 15. Rey’s Journey (9:52)
  • 16. A New Alliance (11:50)
  • 17. Holdo’s Resolve (4:15)
  • 18. “Chrome Dome” (2:06)
  • 19. The Battle Of Crait (11:09)
  • 20. The Spark (4:22)
  • 21. The Last Jedi (8:39)
  • 22. Peace and Purpose (Old Friends) (3:37)
  • 23. Finale (9:20)
  • 24. Canto Bight (2:38)
  • 25. The Master Codebreaker (1:08)
  • 26. The Fathiers (2:42)
  • 27. The Sacred Jedi Texts (Album Version) (3:32)
  • Extended:
  • 01. Star Wars Main Titles / Rebel Escape (10:24)
  • 02. The Lightsaber (1:45)
  • 03. Revisiting Snoke (3:30)
  • 04. Ahch-To Island (2:33)
  • 05. The Supremacy (4:02)
  • 06. Old Friends (2:02)
  • 07. Admiral Holdo (1:06)
  • 08. Finn Meets Rose (3:07)
  • 09. Force Telepathy (2:30)
  • 10. Lesson One (2:10)
  • 11. Canto Bight (2:38)
  • 12. The Master Codebreaker (1:09)
  • 13. ”Who Are You” (3:06)
  • 14. The Fathiers (2:43)
  • 15. The Cave (3:01)
  • 16. Rey’s Journey (1:37)
  • 17. The Sacred Jedi Texts (3:33)
  • 18. A New Alliance (5:30)
  • 19. Holdo’s Resolve (2:20)
  • 20. “Chrome Dome” (2:05)
  • 21. The Battle Of Crait (7:02)
  • 22. The Spark (4:22)
  • 23. Following The Crystal Critters (1:18)
  • 24. The Last Jedi (3:49)
  • 25. Peace And Purpose (3:08)
  • 26. Hope Beyond The Stars (End Credits) (9:04)
  • 27. The Rebellion Is Reborn (4:00)
  • 28. Star Wars Main Titles / Rebel Escape (Album) (7:27)
  • 29. Ahch-To Island (Album) (4:23)
  • 30. A New Alliance (Album) (3:14)
  • 31. The Battle Of Crait (Album) (6:48)
  • 32. The Last Jedi (Album) (3:05)
  • Expanded:
  • 01. Main Title (1:26)
  • 02. Escape Part 1 (1:20)
  • 03. Escape Part 2 (7:41)
  • 04. Rey Meets Master Skywalker (1:43)
  • 05. Revisiting Snoke (3:28)
  • 06. Ahch-To Island (2:41)
  • 07. Who Are You? (1:02)
  • 08. Leia Demotes Poe (Excerpt) (0:07)
  • 09. The Supremacy (2:06)
  • 10. Kylo Senses Leia (0:21)
  • 11. Leia Uses the Force (1:36)
  • 12. Luke and R2 (2:00)
  • 13. Admiral Holdo (1:03)
  • 14. Finn Meets Rose (0:18)
  • 15. Fun with Finn and Rose (3:04)
  • 16. Rey Connects with Kylo (0:39)
  • 17. Connection (1:59)
  • 18. Lesson One (2:09)
  • 19. Canto Bight (2:39)
  • 20. The Master Codebreaker (1:08)
  • 21. Meeting “DJ” (1:07)
  • 22. Jailbreak (0:56)
  • 23. The Fathiers (2:42)
  • 24. The Cave (2:02)
  • 25. You Failed Him (1:02)
  • 26. The Sacred Jedi Texts (3:32)
  • 27. Rey’s Journey (1:35)
  • 28. Rey to Snoke (Excerpt) (0:11)
  • 29. A New Alliance (5:29)
  • 30. Holdo’s Resolve (2:18)
  • 31. “Chrome Dome” (2:09)
  • 32. The Battle of Crait (7:23)
  • 33. I Saved You (0:47)
  • 34. The Spark (3:39)
  • 35. Following the Crystal Critters (1:16)
  • 36. The Last Jedi (3:48)
  • 37. Peace and Prosper (1:46)
  • 38. Old Friends (1:24)
  • 39. Finale (1:05)
  • 40. End Credits (8:10)
  • 41. The Rebellion is Reborn (3:59)

Průměr hodnocení

65.00 %
7 1 10 2
Vaše hodnocení: žádné

Poslední hodnocení

70 %
60 %

Vydavatelství: Walt Disney Records  

Typ alba: soundtrack

Rok vydání: 2017


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