

Death metal,Thrash metal

Žánr: Death metal Thrash metal




Author of Pain,Brutal Assault 23,Death Attack,Devoyd,Dew-Scented,Dormant Misery,General Chaos,Germany,Gothoom 2020,Grief of Emerald,Headshot,Heritage,Ingrain,Inzest,M Ä B E,Martin Missy and the Protectors,Mastema,Obrero,Obscene Extreme 2015,Obscene Extreme 2024,Phidion,Protector,Ruins of Time,Sarcastic,Shooting Gallery,Square Waves,Talion,Third Stone from the Sun

Tagy: Author of Pain Brutal Assault 23 Death Attack Devoyd Dew-Scented Dormant Misery General Chaos Germany Gothoom 2020 Grief of Emerald Headshot Heritage Ingrain Inzest M Ä B E Martin Missy and the Protectors Mastema Obrero Obscene Extreme 2015 Obscene Extreme 2024 Phidion Protector Ruins of Time Sarcastic Shooting Gallery Square Waves Talion Third Stone from the Sun


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Xindl X - Fén X

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Wake Up the Wicked 80 %

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