Of Montreal - Coquelicot Asleep in the Poppies: A Variety of Whimsical Verse

Coquelicot Asleep in the Poppies: A Variety of Whimsical Verse


  • "Good Morning Mr. Edminton" – 2:45
  • "Peacock Parasols" – 2:54
  • "Look at the Bell (Andy Instructs the Turkish Moths to Acquire Him More Bells or Else...)" – 1:43
  • "An Introduction for Isabell" – 3:49
  • "Let's Do Everything for the First Time Forever" – 2:38
  • "Coquelicot's Tea Party" – 0:43
  • "Rose Robert" – 2:26
  • "It's a Very Starry Night" – 3:50
  • "Mimi Merlot" – 2:57
  • "Butterscotching Mr. Lynn" – 1:38
  • "Coquelicot, Claude and Lecithin Dance Aboard the Ocean Liner" – 1:03
  • "Go Call You Mine" – 1:29
  • "The Events Leading Up to the Collapse of Detective Dulllight" – 2:41
  • "Penelope" – 2:53
  • "A Dreamy Day of Dreaming of You" – 2:01
  • "Hello from Inside a Shell (Zombies Enter the Harbor)" – 3:37
  • "Lecithin's Tale of a DNA Experiment That Went Horribly Awry" – 3:14
  • "It's Just So" – 2:37
  • "The Frozen Island" – 3:58
  • "Upon Settling on the Frozen Island, Lecithin Presents Claude and Coquelicot With His Animal Creations for Them to Approve or Reject" – 1:07
  • "Let's Go for a Walk (Coquelicot Leaves the Frozen Island to Resume Her Work as an Efeblum With Claude and Lecithin in Tow)" – 2:11
  • "The Hopeless Opus or The Great Battle of the Unfriendly Ridiculous" – 17:54

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Vydavatelství: Kindercore Records  

Typ alba: řadové album

Rok vydání: 2001


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