te' - Therefore, the illusion of density breach, the tottering world “forget” tomorrow

Therefore, the illusion of density breach, the tottering world “forget” tomorrow


  • 01.Pleasure of life is the “inoculation” of death and the raw power walking to the end.
  • 02.Magic smolder in the depth of optimism, the remnants of “sin” of the collective unconscious million people conceive.
  • 03.Realize that morarity is equipment Of power and “Shackles” of a maximum of freedom of the people.
  • 04.Fluctuation of the “string” is spun the pattern of diversity, play the transient octet.
  • 05.Seeker is the chromatic scale world’s inhabitants wandering a “middle tier” of events that relative.
  • 06.Honeymoon of “particles” in the vague is the mortal coil of my sparkling momentary existence.
  • 07.Have fun at the boundary of continuous and discontinuous, plaything called “Sacrifice” vital artery linking.
  • 08.”Convulsive” beauty in the sound, the horror of the body beyond the idea to visit the wild.
  • 09.Dream world does not fear the “censorship” of gravity, ethereal body of freedom to break through closed inside.
  • 10.I am dent of the river. Flow is passing but ripple is kept. The “dynamic” order.
  • 11.Only the obstinate roar to reject money violate the taboo. “Shout” in meditation

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Typ alba: řadové album

Rok vydání: 2012


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